
"Two-sided" blog "portakalis"  contains  two related blogs:

1. http://oliwiablawat.blogspot.com - I call this part "white" - it is a place where I present some artworks, photographs or links to my online Internet artworks and my online activity in general like profiles photo and video channels. Light colour graphic design and simple, minimalist layout was designed with hope to create the virtual space which gives the possibility to public my large size artworks and artworks with visual message.
Next to headline "portakalis" is presented the logo I designed in 2002 ( two colour version ). This part contains also the general information: biography
( curriculum vitae ) and contact information. White part of the blog is in English while brown part is in Polish language version. by oliwia blawat

2. http://portakalis.blogspot.com  the second part, brown one, is an archive, I keep here my paintings, photographs, documentations, drawings and illustrations. This is a narrative part of the blog related to the material art.
On right side you can see banners and links to my online activity and websites.

I just want to add this note about the name of the blog:
Portakalis is a Greek (new) version of my (old) Turkish pseudonym - portakalsinatra which I often use on the internet as my nick name. Portakal in Turkish means orange and this nick name is my memory-souvenir from my four - month stay as an erasmus student in Istanbul. by oliwia blawat

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