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Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą online. Pokaż wszystkie posty
niedziela, lutego 7
piątek, grudnia 4
Artist talk - Pixxelpoint 2015
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The para-curator of the exhibition Igor Štromajer and me on skype. Pixxelpoint 2015 |
Presentation of my work on Pixxelpiont festival 2015.
All my links and the reasume of my
thesis are available at
The website Ipertestualmente contains
short articles, links to my works and a small selection of hypertext
based art that includes some significant works of net art artists.
In 2010 I created the twin blog
Portakalis that is weekly updated until today and where I show some
other works like digital colages (the series Internet is full of
dreams – Webdlings (bookmark – Bookmarking of Baroque Paintings),
(6 PM YLT) and Happiness against Sadness)and photographs.
The narrtive website Hypertext as an
abstract painting. From internet with love. Eu (link nr1) is a
virtual transformation of the map of my pages into an abstract
composition. The map shows all my online activity in march 2015 –
my own piece of hypertext that I call microhypertext.
Another page that I created before
Hyeprtext as an abstract painting is Hypertext is an abstract
painting . From internet with love . Eu (link nr2). I created an
abstract map with some keywords and with a use of hypertextual
navigation I transformed the existing map in digital abstract
Later on I started to use Twine
platform to create my hypertextual narrative stories.
One of these works is One click away.
Posthypertext. Org (link nr3) It is a narrative story about distances
in the virtual space, trust and unknown users.
The idea of a new domain name is from one of my narrative stories Hypertext is
not an abstract painting. From internet with love. Org (link nr4)
which describes in simple words my research and conclusions. One of
pages says that: „To understand hypertext you have to claim a
From this point of view you will see all the map and you as a part of it.”
From this point of view you will see all the map and you as a part of it.”
The project is a
selection of photogaphs taken in the forest in Bydgoszcz, close to
the place that I live. I present these images as a small snapshots
on the website Try it yourself. (link nr5) The
series was created in the summer 2015. It recalls metaphores of
hypertext that are rhizome and tree. Both websites are currently
shown during The Wrong biennal of digital arts – in the internet
pavilion Hypermedia Dreams.
The main domain of this project (link nr6) contains only one selected picture and
the description „to understand hypertext you have to claim a tree”
Posthypertext is happening now.
artist talk,
sobota, listopada 21
niedziela, września 27
niedziela, września 20
Towards immaterialness
The passage from towards immaterialness is very risky. My last project was related to the complex structure of hypertext and in this work I was trying to describe it with a metaphore of tree.
The result of this research were three websites , and . All these projects are conceptual and their form was sinthetic.
The immaterialness is more about the aesthetics of virtual space and this time the methaphore will be blue and endless space of the sky.
niedziela, maja 31
Another window
The space time vehicle brought me today to the far place from the old times journey. I have been traveling without the Internet connection for a long time. Many years before I joined the virtual world.
The news of this week is that I published the small selection of hypertext based art on my site for the thesis. If you want you can have a look in here - Selection of hypertext based art.
wtorek, maja 12
sobota, kwietnia 11
niedziela, kwietnia 5
News about Hypertext and abstract painting
New, updated, inteactive and animated version of Hypertext is an abstract painting, called this time Hypertext as an abstract painting has been published last week and is already online.
To view the work Click here.
niedziela, listopada 30
środa, marca 10
The online identity GLASSES LAMP & AVATOR`S FACE - GIF
niedziela, lutego 14
czwartek, lutego 11 "room nr 7"
The blog room_nr_7 is a photo installation. This work was made in June 2008 as an esam of multimedia communication. The installation contains photographs which I elaborated using software: photoshop7.0 and the map ( the track sign on google maps ).
The blog room_nr_7 is a photo installation. This work was made in June 2008 as an esam of multimedia communication. The installation contains photographs which I elaborated using software: photoshop7.0 and the map ( the track sign on google maps ).
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